Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Why Numinous?

"...art can teach without at all ceasing to be art." 
CS Lewis from a letter to I.O. Evans
The Numinous.  It is the feeling of dread; of wonder; of awe.  It is the feeling you get when you see the Grand Canyon in person rather than on a computer screen.  Webster say it is defined as, "Having a strong religious... quality; indicating the presence of... divinity."  CS Lewis, in his seminal classic, The Problem of Pain, describes the numinous as, a special kind of fear which excites awe, exemplified by, but not limited to, fear of the dead, yet going beyond mere dread or danger.  Medieval Cathedrals were built with this in mind - they were build in order to lift both the eye and heart to the grandeur of God while simultaneously giving the admirer a sense of perspective and humility.

This blog seeks to lift the eye and heart to God.  Art, Scripture, Music.  These things are so powerful in it of themselves because they are the tangential meetings between the heaven and earth.  They are not simply beautiful because they follow rules of composition or color theory, but because they stir the eternal aspects of our selves.  They hint at the numinous.

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